MIDSIS-TROCS 4.0 offline application guide

The Plone Unified Installer is a source-installation kit that installs Plone and its dependencies from source on most Unix-like platforms and Windows 10.

The kit includes Plone and Zope and will download components like Python if needed.

Python is installed in a way that will not change or interfere with your system Python.



Installing Python

Installing python and others system libraries.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libz-dev libjpeg-dev libreadline-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python2.7 python2.7-dev

Installing Plone

Windows users: please see the separate Windows Instructions.

Download the Installer:

wget --no-check-certificate https://midsis.rempec.org/standalone-UnifiedInstaller.tgz

Extract the downloaded file:

tar -xf standalone-UnifiedInstaller.tgz

Go the folder containing installer script:

cd standalone-UnifiedInstaller

Run script:




The Unified Installer is installed and operated via the Windows Command Prompt. You will need expertise adequate to open a command prompt, navigate the file system and execute programs via the command prompt. There are many excellent tutorials available, such as Windows Command Prompt in 15 Minutes.


  • Python 2.7.x x86-64 MSI Installer -- choose the "Windows x86-64 MSI installer" for the latest Python 2.7.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 -- this is a subset of MS VC++ that provides a full development kit for the Windows version of Python 2.7.x.
  • Tar, a compressed archive utility, for Windows. This has been a standard part of Windows since build 17063. You may check for its existence by executing tar from a command prompt.
  • Internet access. Unlike the Linux/Unix install, the Windows install needs access to the Internet in order to install additional packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Check for tar first. If it's not available, update your copy of Windows. Next, install Python, using the instructions below to make sure you choose the right options. Finally, install the MSVC++ Compiler for Python 2.7. There are no options in this install.

Installing Python

  • Choose either Install for all users or Install just for me.
  • On the installer's "Customize Python 2.7.x (64-bit)" page, scroll down and click on the option to Add python.exe to Path.

After installing, make sure python.exe is in your PATH.

To test if it is in your PATH, type "python" and hit Return; if you see a message 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file then it is not in your PATH and you may have to restart Windows.

You can add it to your PATH manually with the command PATH=$PATH;c:\Python27.

Download the installer

Download the installre from https://midsis.rempec.org/standalone-UnifiedInstaller.tgz. Keep track of the download location.

Installing Plone

Unpacking the installer

Open the Windows Command Prompt. Change your current directory to the download location and use tar to unpack the download.

cd Download
tar xf standalone-UnifiedInstaller.tgz

Substitute your version number as needed.

Running the installer

Change your current directory to the unpacked archive's directory and execute the Windows install batch routine:

cd standalone-UnifiedInstaller


Expect the installer to take a considerable amount of time to run, with very few messages after the build begins. At the end of the install, expect a message like:

#######################  Installation Complete  ######################

Plone successfully installed at \Users\steve\Plone\zinstance
See \Users\steve\Plone\zinstance\README.html
for startup instructions.

Use the account information below to log into the Zope Management Interface
The account has full 'Manager' privileges.

  Username: admin
  Password: admin

This account is created when the object database is initialized. If you change
the password later (which you should!), you'll need to use the new password.

Use this account only to create Plone sites and initial users. Do not use it
for routine login or maintenance.

If you see anything different, look for error messages. You may need to read the install log on disk.

You will probably also get a dialog from Windows Defender, prompting you to allow network access for Python. For development purposes, [access to private networks](images/Plone-Windows-Firewall.png) is sufficient.

Once installed, expect Plone (and buildout if you're doing development) to work as generally documented. You will, of course, need to use Windows pathnames (substitute "" for "/") rather than Unix forms.

Start website

Start Plone

Let's assume plone has been installed in your home folder.

For start Plone use:

cd ~/Plone/zinstance
bin/plonectl start

For stop use:

cd ~/Plone/zinstance
bin/plonectl stop

In windows if plonectl start doesn't work use:

bin\plonectl fg

for stop in the terminal pres Ctrl+C

You’ve Got MIDSIS-TROCS Plone site

Now take a look at your MIDSIS-TROCS Plone site by visiting the following address in your webbrowser:



Let's assume plone has been installed in your home folder.

If there are any updates to the packages you must run buildout, after shutting down the site, with the command:

cd ~/Plone/zinstance
bin/buildout -N

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