Fatty Acid Methyl Esters

Also known as: Fame, Fatty Acid Methyl Esters, Ester Methylique D'Acide Gras
Information on chemical

Information on chemical

External resources

CAMEO Chemical Database
WISER Substance List


Formula CH3(CH2)nCOOCH3

Physical chemical data

Physical State (25°C) Liquid
Mixed Yes
Kinematic viscosity (cSt)
4.5 [cSt] at a temperature of 20°C
Solubility (g/L)
0 [g/L] at a temperature of 20°C and salinity of 0‰
Boiling Point (°C) 302
Melting Point (°C) -12

Behaviour at sea

Additional data

MARPOL pollution category
Category Description
Other Substances Substances which have been evaluated and found to fall outside Category X, Y or Z because they are considered to present no harm to marine resources, human health, amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea when discharged into the sea from tank cleaning of deballasting operations. The discharge of bilge or ballast water or other residues or mixtures containing these substances are not subject to any requirements of MARPOL Annex II.

Transportation data

Reactivity data

GESAMP Hazard profile

Bioaccumulation in logPow (A1A) 0 - e <1, or > ca.7, or Mol. Wt. > 1000
Bioaccumulation (A1) 0 - No potential to bioaccumulate
Biodegradation (A2) R - Readily biodegradable
Acute aquatic toxicity (B1) (LC/EC/IC50 (mg/l)) 2 - Slightly toxic
Acute mammalian toxicity by swallowing (C1) (LD50 (mg/kg)) 0 - Negligible
Acute mammalian toxicity by skin penetration (C2) (LD50 (mg/kg)) 0 - Negligible
Acute mammalian toxicity by inhalation (C3) (LC50 (mg/l)) 2 - Moderate
Skin irritation/corrosivity (D1) 2 - Irritating
Eye irritation/corrosivity (D2) 2 - Irritating
Interference with coastal amenities (E2) Fp - Persistent slick forming substance
Effects on wildlife and bottom habitats (E3) 2 - Is a persistent floater; and/or is moderately acutely toxic; and/or is irritating to skin and/or eyes; and/or has long-term health effects other than carcinogenicity, mutagenicity or reprotoxicity; and/or is highly flammable; and/or is flammable and is a floater with evaporative properties

Human toxicity threshold


Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) (µg/l)
0.2504 [µg/l] on the Short term
Incident reports

Incident reports

No incident reports available

Emergency Response Guidebook

Emergency Response Guidebook

No guides available

At sea emergency guide

At sea emergency guide

No guides available

Decision trees

Decision trees

No decision trees available

No additional data

last modified 2020-12-11T09:57:21+00:00

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